In this section you can find out who is on the Committee and their latest key decisions. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be displayed on the Notice Board in the Clubrooms as soon as possible after the New Year
2024 – 2025
CHAIRMAN – Peter Watson
VICE-CHAIRMAN – Barry Moorhouse
TREASURER – Mike Wescombe
SECRETARY – Barry Evans
MEMBERSHIP – Cedric Thomas
COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Graham Bevan, George Russell, John Collop, Claire Finder, Ken Aveyard
Graham Bevan has announced his wish to stand back from the Exhibition Manager role that he has undertaken with great success over the last 12 years. He is still able to offer help and guidance to a successor. Could you be that person? Please speak to Graham or any Committee member if interested.
At the AGM held on 12th December 2024 it was AGREED that the annual subscription would remain at £40 for the year starting 01.01.25 Junior membership is free but door fees must be paid when attending the Club.
Please pay via BACS as we are now being charged for all cash and cheque transactions by our Bank.
We will also be holding our next exhibition at the Allendale Community Centre, Wimborne, over the weekend of 22nd/23rd March 2025. Watch out for further announcements. If you think you can help to steward or support the exhibition in any way please speak to any Committee member.
During 2025 we will be investigating the practicalities of opening on a Saturday morning – initially once a month – to see if that attracts potential members who cannot easily get to the Tuesday or Thursday evening sessions or who want to look at the possibilities of getting back into modelling and who lack the requisite skills or confidence to do so. As ever, we will need people who can come long for an hour or two to help and contribute to those mornings. We must recruit more members or the Club will not have a long term future, especially given our age profile.
Set aside the evening of Tuesday, 10th June when we will be celebrating our Golden Jubilee with a buffet at the Hamworthy Club on Magna Road. The evening will be for members and guests and will be subsidised by WRS as a “Thank You” for your membership and support over the years. There will be a nominal price per ticket and we hope that some former members, especially those who have made a large contribution to the Society over the years, might be able to attend.